A fudge year for all of us

Hi There,  I could not wait to talk to you and somehow when I checked the day was gone. Before I knew, long time has passed by. What is going with me that I have been absent for a while here, have I forgotten about you? Not...

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The space to be yourself

January can feel daunting for many. We have finished with the holiday fun and many have started resolutions and diets. New goal setting and new exercises regimes. Tons of delayed emails to deal with and appointments to go to. By now many are starting to...

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Fear, fear no more
It is often said that the biggest epidemic for humans and their dreams is fear. What is the first thing we do when we feel fear? We fight, and of course like a swing, it fights us back.

Next time someone pisses you off …
Over the last few weeks my friend’s life has changed dramatically and it has also changed the way I see life. Yes, again! It seems that every day I encounter a new world, a new door and my eyes transform yet again to adjust to the new reality a new world, different from the one that was yesterday. It seems that when I think I have all the answers all the questions are changed!
