Who is coaching for?

Who is coaching for?

Coaching is for everybody, regardless of what you do for a living. It provides you with tools, strategies, skills, and awareness for you to use every day, in every context and area of your life.

Is it for you too? I get this question a lot, is this for me?

Coaching is complementary and does not have to replace other things you might be exploring.  Yes, it is for you so you can have choices! and it is also for your spouses, partners, children, bosses, employees, and colleagues; If you are someone who does not
conform and is willing to embrace change, it is for you. If after a conversation I think that anybody other than me can support you better, I will let you know.

Life is too precious to put it on hold and now is the perfect time to live it the way you like.
Life on your terms is a life true to yourself! A life well lived.

